How about some real exercise?

Start your training now at our Club Vienna or Club Brunn am Gebirge!
Youngster Deal
Registration fee: €125,- (statt €250,-)
Membership fee: €109,- / month for new customers from 20 to 26 years
Membership fee: €82,50,- / month with annual payment for new customers from 14 to 19 years
Offer valid until revoked.
Join now!
"(Pflichtfeld)" indicates required fields
Any questions?
Club Brunn
- Europaring/Campus 21, 2345 Brunn am Gebirge
- +43 2236 31330
- [email protected]
Club Vienna
- Heiligenstädter Lände 17, 1190 Vienna
- +43 1 3687311
- [email protected]